Ride the Plains Bike Ride...
Saturday, April 27, 2013, 08:30am
Ride the Plains celebrates its 4th year and is the first Race Day Events Cycling calendar. Along with a 62, 50 and 32 mile offerings there will be a 75 mile option to test the early season form of the men and women of the peloton. Choose from 4 route offerings that feature beautiful rural Jefferson Co. roads, and the flattest course of the 3 RDE rides. Like 2012, a technical ride shirt and post ride Buddy's BBQ will highlight the amenities. The venue is Rush Strong School in Strawberry Plains, with ride proceeds going to Rush Strong School. No shower facilities are available at the school.

$35 (before 4/21)
$40 (before 4/27)
$50 (day of event)

For more info: Ride the Plains Bike Ride or pickup a free brochure at Biketopia Bike Shop.

Location Rush Strong School, Strawberry Plains, TN