I Bike KNX Festival and Ride...
Sunday, May 04, 2014, 02:00pm

Come learn how to make you community more bike-friendly, meet folks from local bike shops and clubs, get a free helmet for your child, and much more. There will be prize drawings, too!
2 p.m. Opening session with panel addressing how to make our communities more bicycle and pedestrian friendly
2:30-3:30 p.m. Workshops and activities
Advocacy tent with Bike Walk Knoxville
Urban Wilderness tent with AMBC to talk about what they have accomplished and what is in store
Greenways—learn about our existing systems, and what is in the works
Bike shop booths offer free safety checks and helmet fitting
Get a free helmet from the Epilepsy Foundation
Learn about local bike clubs and related organizations
Decorate your helmet at our art booth
Photo booth
3 p.m. Biketopia will be leading a a roadside repair workshop at 3 p.m. on Market Square stage, to show people how to check their bikes over before a ride, and how to repair things that may go wrong while they are biking (flat tire, etc). Great info.
3:30 Contests (track stand, speed tire changing)
4 p.m. 14th annual Neighborhood Bike Ride is less than 6 miles long and goes at a casual pace. Refreshments provided by Parkridge Community Organization. Helmets required. Bikes are available to rent for the neighborhood bike ride.
4 p.m. Learn how to ride without training wheels clinic (on Market Square)
I Bike KNX Cycling Events brought to you by Knoxville Regional Bicycle Program.
Location Market Square, Knoxville, TN 37902